Cathryn wile

Cathryn is an experienced professional with a career spanning emergency and healthcare response, small business consulting, technology startups, and corporate finance. She currently serves as the Director of Operations for an expeditionary healthcare company which has been on the frontlines of Ebola and COVID-19 responses. She manages a team responsible for $270M annual revenue, deploying over 10M COVID-19 tests and vaccinations, and managing 4,000 clinical, operations, and logistics staff nationwide. Her COVID-19 response work ranges from directing complex rapid response programs, and the recruitment and deployment of hundreds of medical personnel under immense time restraints.

Prior to her current role, Cathryn led natural disaster response operations for a national nonprofit organization, managing 16 states and territories on the East Coast (FEMA Regions I, II, and III) from Maine to Virginia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Responsible for all Disaster Operations, Cathryn recruited, trained, and mentored volunteers in planning, mobilization, logistics, and operations to respond to 60+ disasters. Cathryn has personally led disaster response missions as diverse as hurricanes in Texas and North Carolina, earthquakes in Puerto Rico, flooding in Montana and Pennsylvania and more. She also served as a wildland firefighter in the American West throughout Colorado, Utah, and Nevada. 

Apart from disaster response, Cathryn has a deep business background in operations, finance, and marketing in organizations ranging from Bank of America, technology startups, and nonprofit organizations.

The Augustae Annia Foundation is grateful for Cathryn’s service during the Ukraine operations, lending her impressive experience and high-caliber leadership in support of our efforts.

board of advisors, Ukraine remote support Team