Max Linderborg

Max has a military background of six years, serving as a mechanized infantryman and a combat medic in the Swedish Armed Forces. He has significant experience working in situations that demand high precision and an ability to work under extreme pressure. Max has a wide knowledge of performing medical field care in different situations and harsh weather conditions. After his time in the military, he went on to receive his degree in nursing, allowing him to work in emergency hospital care and perform more advanced medical work as a paramedic.

Serving in Ukraine since July 2022, Max has been volunteering in evacuations and humanitarian aid deliveries in frontline areas. This hazardous work has demanded professionalism and skill with a high level of situation awareness and planning. With Max's previous experience in the military and current role as a medic, this work was well within Max's area of expertise.

Since the start of 2023, he has conducted First Aid TCCC trainings for civilians and other volunteers who live and work in areas that are high-risk in Ukraine.

During the summer of 2023, Max was in charge of two mobile medical clinics as a Field Coordinator. The clinics provide medical aid to vulnerable areas in Ukraine and to internally-displaced people. Max also was part of setting up a mobile lab that could perform blood analysis for the people visiting the clinic.

With Augustae Annia, Max is serving as a medic for the team currently in Ukraine and providing medical expertise for the team and the team's different work and partners. We are grateful to have him lending his experience to our work in the frontline mobile medical clinic.

MEDIC Ukraine Mobile clinic team